Frequently Asked Questions

A passive investor is an individual who provides capital for a real estate investment but does not actively take part in the property’s management. Real estate syndication is a type of investment that allows multiple investors to pool their resources and buy a property together.
Think of it as a real estate investing club where members can pool their money to buy a property that they otherwise might not afford on their own. However, they don’t have to do any work involved in owning and managing the property. That’s what the sponsor, or general partner, does. Instead, they collect a share of the property’s quarterly profits (distributions).

There are many benefits to being a passive investor, including:

  • Generating income without having to take part in the business actively
  • Diversifying your investment portfolio
  • Receiving professional management of your investment
  • Access to investment opportunities that you may not have otherwise been aware of
  • The potential for high returns

An accredited investor is an individual who meets certain criteria set forth by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). To be considered an accredited investor, you must earn an annual income of $200,000 or more (or $300,000 or more if filing jointly with a spouse) for the past two years and have a reasonable expectation of earning the same or more in the current year.
Alternatively, you can have a net worth of $1 million or more, alone or with a spouse (excluding the value of your primary residence).
If you meet either of these criteria, you are considered an accredited investor and can invest in certain types of investment vehicles, such as private placement offerings, that are not available to the general public.

The minimum investment amount varies depending on the project. Please contact us for more information.

The minimum investment period is typically five years. However, some projects may have a longer investment horizon. Investors receive regular returns throughout the project’s life and can typically exit the investment at the end of the project term.
Life happens. If you need to access your investment early, we may be able to help. Please contact us to discuss your options.

The return on investment (ROI) varies depending on the project. However, our team has a proven track record of success and is committed to generating strong returns for our investors.
To learn more about specific opportunities, please contact us.

The best choice for passive income opportunities.

Not only do we choose our acquisitions with very selective criteria, but we also offer a seamless experience. Find out what our investors love about Cooper Capital in our investment portal.

Every deal is thoroughly ran through our deal analyzer, discussed with our team, other experienced groups and investors, banks, property management, and our mastermind group to deeply scrutinize every deal.

Looking for passive income opportunities? We offer a wide range of investment options and a seamless experience for our investors.”